
All Bitumen Cameroon (ABC) PLC, headquartered in Yaoundé, Cameroon, was established in 2018 and plans to build a plant to manufacture various grades of bitumen to be used for road paving mainly in Cameroon and countries in the sub-region.
ABC will thus contribute to the development of transport infrastructures in the sub-region, create decent jobs and work to strengthen social cohesion in strict compliance with current legislation.

The Managing Director of ABC is Mr. Ahmadou OUMAROU. This former senior civil servant and important elite from the Far North region, has extensive experience in the oil sector, acquired at SONARA. Through his career, he has developed leadership and people management skills, as well as the ability to achieve objectives and results, which are very important for this type of project. His open-mindedness and sense of innovation lead him to regularly surround himself with experts in specialized fields. For this reason, he is surrounded on this project by national and international experts in bitumen production and marketing, business organization and project management.

Project Manager: Dr. Louis-Marie TIAKO is a petroleum industry veteran with some 30 years' experience, gained through his various positions of responsibility at SONARA. Throughout his career, Dr. TIAKO has developed proven expertise in the fields of knowledge sharing, business development, project management, safety and process improvement. He will be responsible for bringing the project to a successful conclusion, with the support of the technical partner.


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